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Dust solutions for the chemical industry

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Chemical industry background:

Dust explosions in the chemical industry are often triggered inadvertently due to some potential factors. Insufficient dust combustion will lead to the production of carbon monoxide. The dust of the explosive itself will also produce toxic substances. The flue gas and dust produced by chemical plants and mines will seriously pollute the environment around the chemical plant. The chemical industry needs to adopt dust removal to meet the national environmental protection indicators. The device handles the chemical dust accordingly. The chemical plant has received much attention from the environmental assessment and environmental protection departments of various regions over the years. In recent years, the CCTV media has repeatedly reported on the environmental pollution problems of chemical plants in certain areas, which has also aroused social attention to the dust control of chemical plants.

Difficulties in dust control in the chemical industry

There are many special processes and materials in the chemical industry. The following factors should be considered when selecting dust collectors: corrosiveness, humidity, pH value, risk of cross-contamination, toxicity, flammability and explosiveness, etc. If you do not consider thorough dust removal The device cannot meet the requirements for on-site use.

Description of dust control plan for chemical industry:

The Bag Dust Collector is specially designed for dust control in chemical plants, and can also be used for local dust removal in other industries. The chemical plant bag filter adopts a high-strength, corrosion-resistant bag filter. The dust removal equipment is designed and selected according to the characteristics of the flue gas and process conditions, and the current advanced diversion and air induction technology is applied to effectively filter chemical plant dust. Prevent the occurrence of dust explosion, while also purifying the factory environment and protecting the health of employees. Moreover, the bag filter has the characteristics of high dust removal efficiency, good corrosion resistance, up to emission standards, and stable operation.

Introduction of related equipment for dust control in the chemical industry:

The bag filter of chemical plant is mainly composed of box, pulse valve, conveyor, ash unloading valve, electric control cabinet, air compressor, etc. It is divided into three stages: filtration, ash removal, and transportation to complete the dust purification work. Has the following characteristics:

(1) The dust removal efficiency is high, generally above 99%, and the dust concentration of the gas at the outlet of the dust collector is within 10mg/m³

(2) Simple structure, convenient maintenance and operation.

(3) Under the premise of ensuring the same high dust removal efficiency, the cost is lower than that of the electrostatic precipitator.

(4) When using glass fiber, polytetrafluoroethylene, P84 and other high temperature resistant filter materials, it can be operated under high temperature conditions above 200 ℃.

(5) It is not sensitive to the characteristics of dust, and is not affected by dust and resistance. The bag filter is suitable for collecting small, dry, non-fibrous dust. When the dust-containing gas enters the bag filter, the dust with large particles and high specific gravity settles down due to the action of gravity and falls into the ash hopper. When the gas containing finer dust passes through the filter material, the dust is blocked, making the gas Get purified. It is very suitable for dust treatment in chemical plants.


Air filter cartridge Solder smoke purifier Bag type dust collector

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