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Air purification solution of Baghouse Dust Collector for wood processing industry

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Background of wood processing industry:

The rapid development of wood furniture industry provides abundant resources and guarantee for the market and people's life, but it also brings pollution to the production and living environment. We can analyze the process of dust formation in wooden furniture production, the harm of dust generation and the current situation of dust removal equipment commonly used in furniture enterprises

Pollution production process of wood processing industry:

Solid wood furniture refers to the furniture made of natural wood. Its raw materials are mainly boards or square materials after drying. According to the processing technology, the first step is to go through the batching process, that is, the processing process of sawing the finished wood into various specifications and shapes of wool according to the size of parts. This process mainly produces some dust of small wood blocks and sawdust, with small sawing path, dry dust, small particle size and short residence time in the air; secondly, finish machining and forming processing of wool, such as planing, pressing, cutting and forming of parts, to make them smooth and clean; this process mainly produces flake shavings and milling sawdust, which belongs to medium-sized wood dust, with large particle size and fine powder Dust will cause injury and affect normal operation if it hits or flies into people's eyes. In addition, it is the surface finishing process of parts in the finishing process, such as fine sand and polishing treatment in the finishing process. This process produces wood powder, paint dust, rubber powder dust, etc., and the dust generation is the most serious. Manual operation does not have professional dust collection equipment. The dust particle size in sanding and polishing treatment is small, and the dust is suspended in the air, causing great danger to the environment and workers Harm.

Solutions for the wood processing industry:

Cyclone bag dust collector is a good choice. Cyclone bag dust collector combines the advantages of cyclones and pulse dust collectors based on the nature of dust in wood processing and production. It overcomes the limitations of traditional cyclones that are difficult to separate fine dust. It effectively solves the problem that the general bag filter is not suitable for handling high-concentration dust mixed gas. The entrance concentration can be as high as 60-83g/m³, while the entrance of the general bag filter has only 3-15g/m³. Cyclone bag dust collector can not only process wood bulk materials in various processing workshops, but also separate medium-density fiberboards, particleboards, sanding operations, and high-concentration wood dust generated in wood product polishing operations. High comprehensive separation efficiency, the dust content of the air after dust removal is lower than my country's new emission standards. In addition, the bag-type cyclone dust collector also has the advantages of compact structure, no need for pulse high pressure back-blowing mechanism, no need for frequent replacement of cloth bags, relatively low production cost, and low noise.

Introduction of dust removal equipment in wood processing industry:

The pulse bag filter is mainly composed of oil separator, bag filter, pulse ash cleaning system and discharging mechanism. About 65% - 85% of the coarse debris or sanding wood powder in the mixed air flow is separated and directly enters the lower box and is discharged by the discharge mechanism; The fine dust that has not been captured enters the bag filter chamber with the uniform rising air flow, and is blocked on the outer surface of the filter bag under the action of mechanical filtration, collision and diffusion, while the air flow enters the electromagnetic pulse valve through the filter material under the action of pressure difference. According to the sequence and cycle, 0.4-0.6mpa compressed air is used for soot cleaning. Pulse cleaning is an ideal way of cleaning. Because pulse air flow can make the whole filter bag vibrate slightly and blow through the filter bag from the inside to the outside, it has better cleaning effect. Higher filtering wind speed can be used to greatly reduce the area of filter bag and the number of filter bags. In addition, because the filter bag is not impacted by vibration, its service life is long. Its disadvantage is that it needs compressed air and the pulse system is complex.

Matters needing attention in the design, installation and use of dust collector in woodworking industry:


1. The waste materials in the warehouse of woodworking workshop accumulate for a long time and are prone to spontaneous combustion in high temperature season. When the system performance is normal, about 2% of the waste is deposited at the bottom of the conveying pipe. Therefore, the pipeline, bag filter, bin and other parts should be inspected and cleaned regularly.


2. When sanding and painting products, the paint dust is flammable and explosive. Try to use the dust removal system alone, do not mix with wood powder, and do special treatment for it.


3. Don't put cleaning cloth, tools, parts and other articles beside the aspirator, and educate workers not to use vacuum tube to absorb dust from clothes or body, so as to prevent foreign matters from entering the pipe or fan and causing accidents.


4. Because the dust removal system is mostly public equipment, generally speaking, the responsibility is not well implemented, and the inspection and monitoring are not in place, which is more prone to problems. Therefore, it is necessary to assign special personnel to be responsible for opening, closing and operation inspection.


5. Static electricity should be eliminated in design. Due to the high concentration of dust in the bag filter and bin, when the dry waste is transported in the pipeline, more static electricity will be generated due to friction, and the discharge phenomenon will cause ignition and dust explosion.


6. If the outdoor bag filter exceeds the height of the building, lightning protection measures should also be taken.


Air filter cartridge Solder smoke purifier Bag type dust collector

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