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Mechanical rotary reverse blowing flat bag dust collector

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Brief introduction of mechanical rotary reverse blowing flat bag dust collector:
The mechanical rotary reverse blowing flat bag dust collector is a new type of bag dust collector with advanced technology developed by the Design Institute of the first machinery department. The dust collector has the advantages of high efficiency, low resistance, simple maintenance and reliable operation.
Working principle of mechanical rotary reverse blowing flat bag dust collector:
The dust containing gas enters into the upper space of the filter chamber tangentially. Under the centrifugal force of large particles and condensed dust particles, the dust hopper spins down along the wall of the cylinder. Small particles disperse in the gaps between the bags of the filter chamber and are trapped. The purified air is collected in the cleaning chamber through the bag wall through the filter bag guide on the flower board, and is inhaled by the fan and discharged into the atmosphere. With the progress of the filtering condition, the dust adheres to the surface of the bag, and the resistance of the bag increases gradually. When the upper limit of the resistance of the back blowing control is reached, the differential pressure transmitter connected with the front and rear interfaces of the dust collector sends a signal to automatically start the back blowing mechanism.
Advantages of mechanical rotary reverse blowing flat bag dust collector:
1. Modular structure, can be designed online or offline cleaning.
2. There is an example of dust removal used in power plant boiler.


Air filter cartridge Solder smoke purifier Bag type dust collector

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Xinxiang Lefilter Filter Co., Ltd All rights reserved Record No. : 11005909-1 prepared by Yu ICP