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Lefilter recently concluded its successful eighth edition of the 53-kilometer cross-country hiking race!

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Lefilter recently organized the long-awaited "Eighth 53-Kilometer Cross-Country Hiking Race" on January 6, 2024, coinciding with the winter solstice and the turning of the year. A total of 387 participants from various departments, including the group headquarters, Xinxiang production plant, Shangqiu production plant, and Zhengzhou branch, embarked on the challenging journey from Nantianmen of Yunmeng Mountain promptly at 7:00 am.


The event was divided into 10 groups, each consisting of 30-38 individuals. To ensure a safe start, Chairman An Qi led the entire team in pre-race warm-up exercises. With a resounding command, the long-distance running team set off like a determined dragon, carrying the red flag and banner, bravely pushing towards the finish line with high spirits.


The trail encompassed diverse landscapes, encompassing mountains, forests, ups, and downs. Participants left their footprints, feeling the beauty and challenges along the way. Halfway through the journey, they encouraged themselves not to give up. As they reached the middle and later stages, they gritted their teeth, persevered, took short breaks, and kept moving forward. With only a few kilometers remaining, they pushed through, fueled by the indomitable team spirit. Crossing the finish line, they joined hands, heart to heart, not abandoning, not giving up. Regardless of the rankings, every participant had their own precious harvest in this exhilarating cross-country race.



The event also provided an opportunity to explore Yunmeng Mountain and delve into the wisdom of Gui Guzi, an ancient sage. Lefilter's transformation to the project department, centered around the "35150 Plan," has achieved significant breakthroughs in the market system. By adapting the operational system, reshaping the eight core product series, and focusing on each segment, Lefilter is creating real products, competitive prices, and a tight-knit holographic industry chain and supply chain structure.


After experiencing the wonders of nature, each group showcased their unique team style. One team proudly named themselves the "Dragon and Tiger Leaping Team," with the slogan "Crack the International Trade Center and Conquer the World." Their synchronized movements, resounding slogans, and unwavering confidence demonstrated the backbone, spirit, and pride of Lefilter employees.


As a national enterprise, Lefilter remains committed to the fluid environmental protection industry. With eight series of products and expertise in EPC project general contracting, Lefilter continues to set industry standards, protect the global environment, and become a guardian and practitioner of the global ecological environment. This unwavering commitment serves as the "soul" of Lefilter, providing a solid foundation for the company's strategy of being "one meter wide, ten thousand meters deep."


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Xinxiang Lefilter Filter Co., Ltd All rights reserved Record No. : 11005909-1 prepared by Yu ICP