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Air filter

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Air filter refers to an air filtration device, generally used in clean workshops, clean factories, laboratories and clean rooms, or for dust prevention

 in electronic machinery and communication equipment. There are primary-efficiency filters, medium-efficiency filters, high-efficiency filters and

 sub-efficiency filters. Various models have different standards and performance capabilities.

In pneumatic technology, air filter, pressure reducing valve and lubricator are called the three major parts of pneumatics. In order to obtain

 multiple functions, these three air source processing components are often assembled together in order, which is called a pneumatic triplex.

 Used for air source purification, filtration, pressure reduction and lubrication.

The installation sequence of the three major components is the air filter, pressure reducing valve, and lubricator according to the air intake

 direction. The three major parts are indispensable air source devices in most pneumatic systems. They are installed near the gas equipment 

and are the final guarantee of compressed air quality. In addition to ensuring the quality of the three major parts themselves, their design 

and installation must also consider saving space. , easy operation and installation, can be combined at will and other factors.


Air filter cartridge Solder smoke purifier Bag type dust collector

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Xinxiang Lefilter Filter Co., Ltd All rights reserved Record No. : 11005909-1 prepared by Yu ICP