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Application of industrial waste gas treatment catalytic combustion equipment in the chemical industry

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Application of industrial waste gas treatment catalytic combustion equipment in the chemical industry

Process selection and determination

The selection of treatment technology should be comprehensively considered based on specific working conditions such as air volume, purification requirements, equipment operation and construction economy, on-site working conditions, exhaust gas concentration, etc., and finally adopt (activated carbon adsorption and desorption + catalytic combustion) catalytic combustion technology for its The 30,000Nm³/h organic waste gas emitted from the workshop is effectively treated.



Exhaust gas treatment process: dry filter + activated carbon adsorption + hot air desorption + catalytic combustion + fan chimney

Equipment design principle: adsorption and desorption + catalytic combustion

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Xinxiang Lefilter Filter Co., Ltd All rights reserved Record No. : 11005909-1 prepared by Yu ICP